Thinking Together

International participants are invited to discuss how global communal living can be enabled and ensured in light of the ecological and economic crises and the shifting geopolitical balance of power. Darmstadt, Germany, July 31- August 9, 2014.

«Thinking together» is a transdisciplinary platform for political imagination: political because it is concerned with the way in which we organise the resources, spaces, practices and lives that we share, locally as well as globally; imagination because it is aimed at forming new ideas and imaginaries about how to do so. The main theory-related format of the Osthang Project is thus concerned with rethinking future modes of living together in a pluricentric world.

pensando juntos darmstadt

The project is set up as a public forum composed of informal seminars, lectures, discussions, film screenings, artistic projects and cooking. International guests from the fields of political theory, economics, social sciences, philosophy, management studies, computer science as well as activism, architecture, arts and design are invited to connect their different knowledges and practices towards future Imaginaries of Living Together.